Install the Tools

Using our theme tools requires a more advanced knowledge of the computer, specifically you must know how to run command line tools. Our tools work on Mac, Windows, and most popular Linux flavors.

Install Node.js

Our tools use Node.js to operate. Please download and install it from the official packages.

For advanced users, it may be easier to use Homebrew on Mac (brew install node) or Chocolately on Windows (choco install nodejs).

Pagedip SDK

The Pagedip SDK is a set of command line tools for the Pagedip platform. This is needed to install the theme tools.

Install the Pagedip SDK command line tool using NPM:

npm install pagedip -g

You will need to register your machine to install Pagedip software with a valid license key.

pagedip register LICENSE_KEY

Install Pagedip Theme Tool

Once the Pagedip license is setup, install the Pagedip Theme Tool using the SDK.

pagedip install theme

This will install the command pdt which is the main tool for developing themes. You can confirm it was successfully installed by running this command:

pdt --version